Channel: handcuffs – MetalbondNYC.com
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Forced male nudity


At CMNM.net, Jamie shows off the curves of his arse wearing tight trousers and pants in ad campaigns, but he’s never allowed anyone to touch it! Now he has no choice as the men grip and kiss his hairy cheeks, then pull them apart to lick and taste the horny-smelling rim of his sphincter.

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With his wrists tied and suspended to the ceiling, Jamie is helpless to defend his hard muscular body and genitals from the pervy man groping him. The stud is paraded through the corridor like a prize stallion so his perfect body can be inspected by everyone in the office.

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See more at CMNM



Handcuffed in AussieBums

The happiest place on earth

Remember the hot model who was handcuffed to the radiator?


In this blog posting, I featured a short video of the guy shown below, who was featured in an ad for Equinox gym, handcuffed to a radiator:



Well, turns out that not only is this guy hot, he is smart too! He’s a math professor in London! The in-depth report is over at Instinct.


Thanks to Metalbond reader DC Guy for passing this along!


Video: Arrested

Toy handcuffs


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I guess we all had to start somewhere



Bad Cop: Scene 3 with Hunter Marx and Damien Stone


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From TitanMen, here are shots from Scene 3 of Bad Cop. TitanMen Exclusive Hunter Marx and Damien Stone meet in the locker room after a long shift. Both are horny and hungry for each other. Hunter is soon swallowing all of Damien, before getting the favor returned. This locker room scene quickly heats up from here, and ends up in a flip-fucking good time!

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A trailer for Bad Cop: Scene 3 with Hunter Marx and Damien Stone is available here

Join Titan Men here



Copdar – An Introduction


By Cuffsandcops

After chatting with Metalbond himself for a while and as a result of his encouragement, there are some stories that have to be told of my experiences with members of the Law Enforcement community. Some of these tales are sexual and some of them are not. The title of these stories comes from my uncanny ability to pick out officers on apps, websites, and in the real world. I have no problems approaching officers who are on duty and asking them questions. I am very fortunate to have some that can be called friends throughout the country who have contributed to the experiences that will be shared.

My interest in cops and their gear, particularly handcuffs, began when I was a teenager. A friend of mine was a Police Explorer and we used to cuff and ziptie friends at the convenience store he worked at after school. He was able to get me my first set of cuffs, blued S&W 100s. During high school, I would make bets with my friends where the loser had to go for a ride in cuffs. Sometimes the bets were sure wins for me and other times I knew I would lose. It was also during high school when my uncle became a K9 officer and I regularly participated in scent training for his and other officers’ dogs. I did get my uncle to drive me home in cuffs once and during one exercise I was cuffed and treated like a suspect. Not too long after that, I discovered I liked jerking off while wearing my handcuffs.

Admittedly, I was a late bloomer when it came to sex and my preferences. My sophomore year in college was when I started to ask men in AOL chatrooms to role play my arrest. I figured if anyone would do something like that, it would be a gay man. Some of my first sexual experiences involved me being handcuffed and pleasured or used. As I learned more about myself and what really got me going, officers, uniforms and handcuffs remained constants.

Now in my 30s, I have had the chance to learn a lot from officers and have a lot of fun with them. I often think about changing careers to join the brotherhood. My gear collection includes uniforms from officers, cuffs that were used on duty, and other authentic pieces. I have over 100 videos saved on YouTube that involve handcuffing that I regularly watch to get off. Some of the stories I intend to share will be short vignettes while others will be long detailed accounts. One thing I assure you is that every word that is written comes from encounters and interactions with actual officers, straight and gay. As mentioned previously, some are sexual and others are not, but it is believed that the readers will enjoy what I have been able to experience. The one thing I am lacking is a real arrest and visit to the jail. I am hopeful that I will get the chance to know what that is like some day.

As a preview, here are some titles of what I plan to share:

The Submissive State Trooper

The Ride Along

Cuffed In Public

The Daddy Bear Cop

Befriending a Sheriff

Contacts With Cos

Banned From the Mall

I am always on the hunt for new experiences, so I am sure there will be more to tell as time goes on. In fact I may be meeting up with a detective early next week. Thank you for reading this introduction, and I hope you enjoy what I have to present.



Folsom Street East 2015


It was great to see so many guys out at Folsom Street East today!

BoyEd CTrubberman Cuffsandcops_cuffs Cuffsandcops_shirt Kenji Neil NYBondage_chastity00 NYBondage_chastity01 NYBondage_chastity02 Pair Tread_01 Tread_02


Thanks to everyone who came by the Metalbond table to say hello and try on handcuffs and belly chains!

Pictured above, from the top:

Boy Ed in a Metalbond T shirt; CTRubberman; Cuffsandcops with speed cuffs and a federal corrections officer shirt (both genuine issue); Kenji with some New York Bondage Club clothespins on his nips; Neil the Erotic Hypnotist; nycslave4training, showing off his leather-harnessed torso and chain collar, and opening up his football pants to reveal a metal chastity device; Sir Robert and Boy Jeff; and a hot guy in a “please tread on me” T shirt, wearing high-security belly chain.



Copdar – Banned From the Mall


By Cuffsandcops

The city where I attended college had two malls. I worked at a store in one of them during the end of my undergrad. I was attentive to the loss prevention officers in the store and the mall cops that regularly patrolled the corridors. Any time officers from the local police department were in the store, I made it a point to be nearby to see what they were up to. Unfortunately, the mall and my store in particular, were not very popular, because it lacked the size and variety that the other mall in town had.

The other retail center was always bustling with people in its multiple levels and large food court. The mall cops there wore white uniform shirts, blue pants, Stratton hats, and duty belts with everything but a holster for a weapon. Whenever I was there, I would take a few extra laps around just to see if I would cross paths with one of the officers. Since I didn’t work at this location, I began to take chances by engaging the mall cops in conversation about their duties and the gear they carried when I could get them to stop to talk.

After successfully having a few questions answered over the course of some visits, I had an idea. What is most likely the No. 1 crime committed in a mall? Shoplifting of course. Since I was preparing to end college and set off in the professional world, I realized that committing the crime would not be a wise move. But there had to be a way to get a comparable experience.

I began working in more questions about the handcuffs that the mall cops carried when I talked with them. One day I finally built up enough courage to ask one of the officers if he could show me what would happen to someone who got caught shoplifting. He quickly said no and went along his way. I have to admit that I was surprised by the harshness of his response. During the next few visits to the mall, I continued to ask the question, but made sure to not ask the same officer twice. I didn’t want to annoy any of the mall cops and figured the worst thing that could happen, would be them saying no. Who knows? There might even come a time when the officer might actually say yes.

My requests had been denied on a number of consecutive attempts and the responses from the officers became more abrupt. I started to think that this wasn’t the best idea and decided to take a break from asking. Plus I was running out of officers to ask. Once spring was in the air, I got the itch to try my luck again. I made my way to the mall and cruised spots where I knew the mall cops were likely to be. I made my way up the escalator from the food court to where the movies were located. Conveniently the ATM for my bank was located near the box office, so I had an excuse to be on that level.

I stepped off the escalator and noticed an unfamiliar officer looking over the rail to the level below. He looked to be in his late 20s and had more of a wide receiver’s build than that of a tight end. I took the long way around to his location in order to get a good look at him. I took a deep breath as I rounded the corner and approached him. I stuck out my hand and introduced myself, then I popped the question: Any chance you can show me what it would be like to get busted for shoplifting? He looked at me puzzled. I explained that I had never been in trouble and have always wondered what it felt like. Next thing I know, the mall cop is speaking into the radio clipped on his right shoulder.

As the seconds passed, my body warmed up and I started to feel embarrassed. After some back and forth over the radio, the officer asked me a few questions, was I on drugs, did I have any health conditions, why would I want to experience that? I assured him I was sober, healthy, and curious enough to ask. By the time his questions were answered, a gentleman in a black polo shirt holding a radio had arrived on the scene. He introduced himself as the head of security for the mall and asked me the same questions I had just answered for the other officer. He didn’t have the happiest look on his face and asked me to follow him. Two other officers walked up during his questioning. They walked along each side of me, and the original contact followed closely behind me.

The head of security opened a door that was not very noticeable and led to the back halls of the mall. I walked through, followed by the officer. The head of security closed the door and began barking out commands for me to stop and place my hands on my head and spread my legs. I complied with his requests and thought to myself, Oh shit, this is really happening. He then expressed his annoyance with the request I had made and was aware that I had been asking for a while for this to happen. He asked if I had a sexual interest in being arrested and I assured him I did not.

He told me to move to the wall and place my hands as high as I could. My legs were kicked apart and the head of security gave me a thorough pat down, removing all objects from my pockets and handing them to the officers surrounding me. With his hand on my back, the head of security turned and called for a pair of cuffs from an officer. I watched him press the handcuff on my right wrist while my hand was on the wall. It was yanked behind me and my left wrist was quickly grabbed and pulled back as well. I heard the sound of the cuff locking in place. Both cuffs were tightened to fit snuggly on my wrists. The head of security took a key from his pocket and double locked the cuffs.

I was then ordered to walk. An officer took hold of the cuffs behind my back and led me towards an elevator door. Once it arrived, I was told to enter and face the back wall. The officers made comments about how stupid I was and asked again if I was turned on by being cuffed. I had no way of hiding the tent that was being pitched in my pants but continued to deny finding any pleasure in what was happening to me. The elevator went down to the lowest level of the mall and there was a small office at the end of a shirt dark corridor.

I was led into the office. The head of security rounded the desk. He hollered for me to sit down but then said I didn’t deserve a chair and told an officer to remove it. I dropped to my knees in front of his desk, hands still cuffed behind me. The head of security called for my possessions and took my ID out of my wallet. He began writing my personal information down on several pieces of paper and didn’t say a word until he has stopped writing. I grew uncomfortable on my knees and moved to my butt crossing my legs in front of me. He then began reading a proclamation stating that I was banned from being on the property for a period of three years. He added in a few choice comments of his own that were not contained on the paper. He asked if I understood the consequence, to which I replied that I did. He stated that if I were to be found in the mall during the time of my banishment, I would immediately be arrested by city police. I again acknowledged my understanding.

The head of security then rounded the desk and told me to stand up. I stumbled in a few attempts to get to my feet and was helped up by one of the mall cops. He produced the key from his pocket and removed the cuffs from my wrists. I noticed some deep red grooves on my wrists once I brought my hands to the front of me and rubbed them. The head of security handed back my wallet, ID and keys and said I had to get out of his office. The three mall cops escorted me down the hallway and through a door, which put us back in the populated area of the mall. Two of the officers stopped there. The original officer I approached walked with me to the nearest mall exit. On the way I asked him a few questions about where he got his gear from and he refused to respond. He opened the doors to the parking area and reminded me not to come back with a snap in his voice.

Of course I returned to the mall a few times during the next few years and never had any problems. I saw the head of security at a baseball game, which later that summer and assumed he may have switched jobs. He never said anything but gave me a long stare. I never found out what happened to the papers that were filled out. I wonder if the officers had really discussed my question asking and were waiting for me to do it one more time to show me what was up. I wonder if secretly, the head of security enjoyed putting me through all that just as much as I enjoyed all that he dished out.


Show me your cuffs



Today’s video is from this year’s NYC Gay Pride. More on the above here and here.



The story behind this picture




Do you ever see a picture online and wonder what the story is behind it? To find out about the one above, click here.


Handcuffed naked at the police station



The uniformed officers at CMNM.net know there’s no better way to get a wild untamed lad to submit than to bend him over and shove a finger up his ass. Oliver’s big pink cheeks show handprints nicely as the officers aggressively manhandle him. The proud straight thug calms down until his rival winds him up again. The uniformed officers have to use a lot of force to stop these two naked lads from having an all-out brawl right in the middle of the station.

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To see more, visit CMNM.net


Copdar – The Ride Along


By Cuffsandcops

Through the convenience of social media, I was able to connect with a friend of mine from high school who chose to become a police officer in the town we grew up in. We chatted for a while about his work and the different positions he has held within the department over the 10 years he had worked there. I asked a lot of questions about some of the requirements to get into the field, as I was beginning to get bored with my career choices. He passed along a lot of information and told many tales of his patrol.

We met up a few times while he was off duty when I was back in town visiting my family. I will save those stories for another time. I tried to give him a heads up each time I was coming into town in case he had time to hang out. At one point in our chatting, he asked if I had any interest in going for a ride along with him one day while he was on patrol. Of course I was interested in doing something like that! We had had several conversations related to his gear and handcuffs, so to get a firsthand look at everything in action was something I definitely wanted to experience.

Since handcuffs had been used in previous meet-ups, I said it would be fun to get cuffed and sat in the back of the car. We set the day and time to meet at the police station well in advance. The week before, I confirmed with him.

It was a Tuesday in April. My officer buddy was assigned to a radar duty for a few hours before his regular shift was to begin. He instructed me to park in the city hall parking lot and he would come around to pick me up. I must admit that my heart was racing as I drove over. I pulled in, sent him a text that I had arrived, and stood outside my truck. A few minutes later, the officer pulled around in a black unmarked cruiser. I opened the passenger door and got in. This was the first time I had seen my officer buddy in full uniform in person. He wore black pants, long sleeve uniform shirt, and boots. He had a vest over his uniform shirt and a fully loaded duty belt around his waist. We shook hands, I put my seatbelt on, and off we went.

Our first stop was a local convenience store to grab a coffee and water. The girl at the drive through window didn’t make the officer pay for his coffee. We then drove to the west side of town and pulled into a location where the speed limit was reduced as drivers entered the city limits. While there, my buddy explained how the computer worked and the radar system. He talked about the codes that were being broadcast over the radio. At one point in time, he described in detail everything that was on his duty belt.

After a while, someone set off the radar. The lights and sirens were flipped on and we pulled over a van. I was told to stay in the car while the traffic stop was conducted. The officer spoke to the driver and returned to the cruiser with his information. He talked through checking his identification and driving summary. The driver’s information was inserted into the form for a ticket. The officer printed out the ticket, walked up to the driver’s vehicle, and issued the driver a speeding violation. He returned to the cruiser and we pulled into a parking lot so all of the information could be completed and sent to the precinct.

Next, the officer drove us around some neighborhoods and locations that he frequented or were hot spots for potential activity. Things were quiet. We met up with another officer who was on patrol and conversed with him for a few minutes. It was funny to hear how the officers talked to each other. There was a lot of ball busting and trash talking between them. We then set out for the east side of town.

While driving down Main Street, we ended up behind a vehicle traveling far below the posted speed limit. After a minute of crawling, the officer flipped on the lights and pulled the car over. He went up to the car and talked with the driver. After a few minutes, he returned to the cruiser. He told me that it was a pair of older gentlemen who were searching for an address and were not from the town. Directions were provided and the vehicle was sent on its way. Our next stop was the barber shop, so the officer could make an appointment for later in the week.

Once back in the cruiser, we set out for the first location where we parked and caught the speeder. While we sat there, he ran my ID and brought up my driving history, which were clean. A van drove by and I said that the driver was on her phone. My buddy asked if I was sure and I said that I was. Lights and sirens went on, and we pulled out after her. She pulled over and the officer approached. He spoke with the driver for a couple of minutes and returned to the cruiser. The driver was on her way to the hospital to meet a family member. The officer gave her a free pass and she pulled away from the curb.

After doing some work on the computer, my buddy said that it was getting to be time to return to the station for the next part of his shift. I nodded my head. He then asked if I still wanted to get cuffed and sat in the back seat. The idea had not been brought up at any time during the ride along and had not been talked about since the initial idea was presented. I was surprised that he remembered, to be honest. I responded by saying I would love to experience that, if it was cool.

The officer made a U-turn and headed away from the police station. He then made a left turn onto a dirt road that I didn’t know existed and drove back to an area that was not visible from any roads. He turned the cruiser so that it was facing back down the road we drove in on and threw it in park. He told me to get out and I exited the vehicle. I stepped out and closed the door as he rounded the back end of the cruiser. I said that I wanted him to do it like it was for real since it would hopefully never actually happen to me. He asked if I wanted to remove my watch, which I did and placed in my pocket.

I was then told to place my hands on the trunk of the patrol car and spread my feet. My left hand was grabbed, pulled behind me, and a handcuff was quickly placed on it. The sound of the cuffs clicking will never be forgotten. Next, my right hand was cuffed in the same manner. I thought about putting up some resistance, but decided that it wasn’t the best idea at this time. The handcuffs were double locked. The back passenger door was then opened. The officer pushed his bag out of the way and told me to sit down. I entered the vehicle and was careful to not bump my head. I pulled my other leg in and was sitting handcuffed in the back seat of a police cruiser with an on-duty officer. It all hit me for a moment, and I just sat there quietly.

I commented how I thought it would have been a tighter space and less leg room. The officer told me that the newer vehicles were a different make and model and had much less space. He said that he could show me that another time. I asked why he didn’t read me my rights while taking me into custody. He replied that it doesn’t typically go down like they show on TV. We talked for a couple of more minutes with me in the back seat handcuffed and him standing in the door. The cuffs were on snuggly, but I didn’t mind.

He then asked if I was good, to which I replied yes, and began exiting the vehicle. Once out, I was told to face the car and lean forward. My hands were pulled up and I heard the key get inserted into the cuffs. My left hand was released first, followed by my right. The officer asked if I had any other questions or needed anything else. I told him no and we got back in the front of the cruiser. On the drive back to the station, I thanked my buddy for allowing me to experience what being arrested felt like. He reminded me, as have most of the officers who have put me in cuffs, that it feels much different when you know they aren’t coming off. I assured him that I understood.

After a few minutes, we arrived back in the parking lot of city hall. I shook my buddy’s hand and thanked him for the inside experience. He drove off, and I got into my truck. I sat there for a few minutes with a big smile on my face. I had just spent three hours driving around with an officer in his patrol car. I witnessed three unique traffic stops. I felt what it was like to get taken into custody. What an afternoon!



Chained Men of the Day

Guy gets handcuffed in the locker room


handcuffed in the locker room

After a hard game of cricket, sporty Guy goes into the makeshift locker room at BreederFuckers and is disgusted to see that it’s a space also used by the grounds men. It’s time this star player and hairy stud gets taken down a notch and learn what it’s like to be sexually used and abused by the men who watch him lustfully from the sidelines all day. He’s bound in place by the pervy men, who strip down his trousers to reveal his sexy jock strap.

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Adrian and Dave test his mettle by kicking him in the nuts and pounding his hard torso with their fists. His magnificently hairy ass is beautifully framed by the twin white straps. They make it blush by whacking it with his own bat.

To see more, visit BreederFuckers


High Security

Handcuffs, piss, water and sperm



The cops force Justin to piss in front of their eyes. Then they drag the naked and cuffed guy into the shower. The ice-cold water makes the young dealer gasp for breath. Both cops now piss on his head. Finally they make him jerk to humiliate him even more before he gets their hot cum right in his cute face.


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See more like this at Gangsterfuck


Copdar – Taking a Chance


By Cuffsandcops

While out running a few errands this evening, my truck signaled that the fuel level was low. I had already been thinking about running my truck through a car wash in order to wipe the first layer of winter salt and grime from its outside. I decided to head for a one stop shop and pulled in to gas up. I swiped my card and pressed a few buttons to include a car wash in the total bill. The nozzle was removed and I began to fill up the truck.

It was then that I heard a very distinct sound that made my head snap up. The sound was that of a pair of handcuffs clinking together. It came from the vehicle parked at the pump in front of mine. Actually it was made by a pair of standard Peerless chain cuffs that were dangling from a strap above the left leg of a man dressed in blue.

I took a closer look at the officer. I would put him at a little over 6 feet tall and about 250 pounds or more with a buzzed haircut and a scruffy goatee.

As I stood at the pump, I took a closer look at the officer. The patch on his shoulder was not that of any of the local police departments and I didn’t recognize the Jeep Cherokee he was driving. It lacked a light bar so I thought he was likely either on his way to or from a shift somewhere. He carried a second pair of cuffs on his duty belt in the middle of his back. As he fiddled with the gas pump, that front pair of cuffs kept clanging. I thought about trying to sneak a pic with my phone. A big smile came over my face.

I really wanted my truck to fill up before his. I thought about stopping it early. Luckily I heard a click indicating the job was done. I put the hose away and collected my receipt. The officer was still filling his vehicle. I decided to approach him and ask him the question I have posed before to officers with mixed reviews. “Any chance I can try on your handcuffs?” I went on to say I have never been before and always wondered what it felt like. The officer chuckled and said he didn’t have a key on him. I have heard that line before and immediately called bullshit. He went on to pat his chest and said he had just lost the key he carried when his kids were playing around prior to his shift.

It was then that I reached into my pocket and pulled out my key ring. I held up a handcuff key with Peerless engraved on the rim. The officer laughed again and said well we still have to see if it fits. Clearly a Peerless handcuff key is going to fit and open Peerless handcuffs. I bit my tongue and watched as the officer inserted the key into the hole on one of the cuffs from the front of his belt. With the turn of his wrist, the arm swung through and the cuff opened. He asked me if I just wanted to try one on and I quickly came back with my response. “I want you to do it like I am being arrested.” He snapped the open cuff closed and I turned away from him.

The officer pulled my sweatshirt sleeves up and turned my left arm so that my palm was facing out. He quickly applied the handcuff and tightened it up snuggly. My right arm was then grabbed and the process was repeated. The officer stated that due to the broadness of my shoulders, it was likely that 2 sets of cuffs would be applied if I were being arrested. Not for nothing but I kinda hate the image of double cuffing. I actually purchased sets with longer chains between the cuffs so that I don’t have to get into situations where two sets would be needed.

I asked him how the tightness of the cuffs compared to normal situations. The officer did the thumb test on my left wrist and said they were applied properly. He commented that it is not comfortable to remain cuffed for as long as someone usually has to wear them. I asked how long that usually was. He said it usually takes about 10 or fifteen minutes for the cops to come to get someone. That triggered me to inquire about where he worked. It turned out he was a security guard for the shopping mall down the street. I then saw the stripe on the car with the mall’s name on it. He said a person would be cuffed at the mall and then taken to the police station where things typically moved slowly.

This entire exchange took place in the middle of a busy car wash/gas station with very bright lights. I stood cuffed with my hands behind my back for around 5 minutes conversing with the officer. It got to that point where I turned back around to face away from the officer. I lifted my hands. He fiddled with my ring of keys as he tried to unlock a cuff. He commented that he was used to a key the size of a pen. The right cuff was opened and removed. I turned around to give him a better angle on the left one. He removed it swiftly, ratcheted both cuffs closed, and snapped them back onto his belt. I thanked the officer and shook his hand.

As I walked back to my truck, I laughed to myself. I had told the officer that I had never been in cuffs before, yet produced a cuff key from my pocket. He never once questioned why I had that particular key on my ring. I drove my truck around back and it took all I had to not rub one out while hidden among the sponges, suds, and lights of the wash tunnel. The officer easily fit my dreams of the beefy bear officer who takes me into custody. When I got home, I noticed that there were a few red spots and just enough of a cuff imprint on both wrists, which is always a bonus. You never know what might happen when you take a chance.


Metal would like to thank Cuffsandcops for this report.



Cop Buddies


By Tex

I was sitting around the house watching TV with some friends. Two of them are cops. They came over in full uniform. We were having some beers, gettin’ a little crazy. I was rootin’ for the team that the other guys didn’t like, and my team was winning! They didn’t like that. I was teasing them about it. My buddy came over and put me in a headlock, the other guys were laughing.

One cop buddy pulled out a pair of hinged cuffs and said, “I can hold him for you.”

I was still in the headlock, the guys were laughing, each cop grabbed one of my arms, pinned them behind me while I struggled. They were laughing at me as they cuffed me tight behind my back and sat back laughing.

He said, “That’ll teach you, buddy.”

I said, “Come on man take the cuffs off!”

The cops went outside and came back with leg irons. I fought, but it was no use. One of them wrapped an arm around my legs. He’s a big, muscular guy. The other cop clamped the leg irons on me while I tried to fight. My buddy just laughed.

He told the cops, “Hey man he’s ticklish on his feet I think.”

They said, “Oh yeah? Let’s find out.”

He continued holding my legs that were still shackled. My buddy came over and started tickling me. I went nuts, yelling, “Stop!”

He tickled me while the one cop held my legs in place, like a leg lock, the other cop came up and held my head, putting his big arm around my neck. I noticed he had something in his hand.

I said, “What the fuck is that?”

He said, “Something to keep you quiet, you’re yelling too much!”

It was a leather gag. He held my mouth open and slowly put the gag in my mouth. I was yelling “No!” but soon I couldn’t yell anymore.

My buddy said, “We’re just havin’ some fun with you, man.”

All I could do was lay there yelling through the gag, MMPPHH!!! They put me on my stomach. One guy got some rope and attached the cuffs and the leg irons. I was fucked! “Mmmpphh!!!”

They picked me up and carried me into the bedroom. I couldn’t struggle. I was hogtied, cuffed tight. They laid me on the floor. I looked around, and I could see lots of toys. I noticed a leather straightjacket.

One guy picked it up and said, “You might look good in this!”

“Mmmpphh!!” I said, shaking my head no, my bud turned me on my side, unzipped my pants and started stroking me.




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